Super Grand Master Sam Shankland Visited The Chess Academy ActiveKids

The Chess Academy has again put in extra effort in enriching our students!

ActiveKids TCA is so proud to have Super Grandmaster Sam Shankland grace us presence at our ActiveKids Learning Center on July 23! 

This is an incredible honor for out Academy to have THE US Chess Champion 2018, World Ranking #27 (#4 in 2018), FIDE 2727 and Winner of so many major World tournamentsSGM Sam Shankland to meet with our ActiveKids TCA students and families at the event.

SGM Shankland first claimed his International Master (IM) title at the young age of 17 and then shortly earned his Grandmaster title at the age of 20.  The SGM shared his inspiring chess stories and even imparted his teaching on “Calculations in Strategic Positions” at the event!

As shown in the many pictures, this was an extremely exciting and fruitful ActiveKids TCA event that brought extra inspiration and encouragement to our young fans.

As our ActiveKids mission – we will always try our very best to provide the best enrichments to our students, so that they can develop the love of life-long learning.


啟趣教育「棋藝學院」(ActiveKids TCA)再次努力為學生加添豐富棋藝體

ActiveKids TCA非常榮幸,於7月23日邀请到來自美國的國際象棋特級大師 Super-Grandmaster (SGM) Sam Shankland,親臨我們 AcitveKids啟趣教育中心並作臨場指導!

這次ActiveKids TCA的到訪,可謂對我們「棋藝學院」增光不少。

這位曾獲2018美國國際象棋賽冠軍, 世界排名 #27 (#4 2018), 國際棋聯等級FIDE2727和多項主要的世界錦標賽冠軍得主SGM Sam Shankland會見我們ActiveKids TCA 的小棋手和家長

想當年SGM Sam Shankland剛17歲小小年紀已經榮獲International Master (IM) 大師的頭銜, 並在20歲時獲得了他的 Grandmaster (GM) 特級大師頭銜。在ActiveKids TCA 這次的訪問期間,他跟小棋手提及到自己在象棋路上的心路歴程,更和他們分享他對 戰略位置計算 的心得!相信這些寶貴的經驗分享,已經像種子般深深的埋藏在每一位小棋手的心中,看什麼時候可以孕育成國際象棋的參天巨樹。

從當天的相片可見,這次聚會着實是令人非常興奮和富有成效,也為我們的年輕象棋粉絲們帶來了額外的靈感和鼓勵。現正身處海南參加第八届超級大師比賽,我們恭祝SGM Shankland 事事順利,棋技再創高峯。

我們ActiveKids的使命就是 —  讓我們盡最大努力為學生提供最豐富的優質教育,以便他們培養對終身學習的熱愛。


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